DTC | Description | Type | Illuminate SECURITY Indicator |
B1658 | VTD | Yes | |
B2721 | VTD | Yes | |
B2735 | VTD | Yes | |
B2723 | VTD | Yes | |
U1016 | DTC U1016 Loss of Communications with PCM in Wiring Systems | VTD | Yes |
U1255 | DTC U1255 Class 2 Communication Malfunction in Wiring Systems | VTD | Yes |
U1300 | DTC U1300 Class 2 Short to Ground in Wiring Systems | VTD | Yes |
U1301 | DTC U1301 Class 2 Short to Battery in Wiring Systems | VTD | Yes |
U1192 | DTC U1192 Loss of Communications with VTD in Wiring Systems | VTD | Yes |
P1630 | DTC P1630 Theft Deterrent Learn Mode Active in Engine Controls | VTD | Yes |
P1626 | DTC P1626 Theft Deterrent Fuel Enable Signal Not Received in Engine Controls | VTD | Yes |
P1631 | DTC P1631 Theft Deterrent Start Enable Signal Not Correct in Engine Controls | VTD | Yes |