Disconnect the No. 3 water by-pass hose (1) from the water inlet housing.
Remove the 2 bolts (1,2) and No. 1 water by-pass pipe.
Remove the clamp and water by-pass hose.
Remove the 2 clamps (1, 2) and inlet water hose.
Remove the inlet water.
Remove the thermostat.
Remove the bolt and radio setting condenser.
Remove the oil filler cap (1).
Remove the oil filler cap gasket (1).
Remove the 2 engine cover joints.
Remove the 4 bolts and 4 ignition coils.
Using a 14 mm spark plug wrench, remove the 4 spark plugs.
Remove the 2 bolts (1,2) and 2 camshaft position sensors.
Remove the 2 bolts (1,2), O-rings, bracket and 2 oil camshaft timing control valves.
Remove the 13 bolts (1-13), seal washer and cylinder head cover.
Note: Be careful not to drop any of the gaskets into the engine when removing the cylinder head cover because gaskets may stick to the cylinder head cover.
Remove the 3 gaskets (1-3) from the camshaft bearing cap.