GM Service Manual Online
For 1990-2009 cars only


VEHICLES AFFECTED: 1986 Models Equipped With 2.0L TBI Engines and Canadian Certified Emission Systems (Open Loop)

The distributor connector wiring colours shown on page 6E3-75 of the 1985-86 Canadian Service Manual Supplement are incorrect. The currect identification is as follows:

Terminal B (CKT 424) should be Tan/Black (shown as white).

Terminal D (CKT 423) should be White (shown as Tan/Black).


Code 42 means the ECM has seen an open or short to ground in the EST or bypass circuits.

Confirms Code 42 and that the fault causing the code is present.

Checks for a normal EST ground path through the ignition module. An EST CKT 423 shorted to ground will also read less than 500 ohms; however, this will be checked later.

As the test light voltage touches CKT 424, the module should switch causing the ohmmeter to "overrange" if the meter is in the 1000-2000 ohms position.

Selecting the 10-20,000 ohms position will indicate above 5000 ohms. The important thing is that the module "Switched."

4. The module did not switch and this stwp checks for

- EST CKT 423 shorted ground. - Bypass CKT 424 open. - Faulty ignition module connection or module.

5. Confirms that Code 42 is a faulty ECM and not an intermittent in CKTS 423 or 424.

Object Number: 76015  Size: FS

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