Warning: Refer to SIR Warning in the Preface section.
Important: Observing the orientation of the steering column shaft (4) with reference to the intermediate steering shaft (2) will minimise the potential of incorrect steering column assembly alignment.
Important: Secure the steering wheel to prevent rotation otherwise damage to the SIR coil will occur.
Important: Bolts with micro-encapsulated thread sealant must be discarded after removal.
Discard the bolt.
Important: The steering column assembly (1) must be supported before removing the steering column assembly to body retaining bolts (5).
Important: Bolts with micro-encapsulated thread sealant must be discarded after removal.
Discard the bolts.
Important: The steering column shaft (4) and intermediate shaft (2) splines must be installed in the position recorded during removal and aligned with the marks previously made.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution in the Preface section.
Tighten the bolts to 22 N·m (16 lb ft).
Tighten the bolt to 28 N·m (21 lb ft).