New forward clutch assembly, including: a new housing, new piston, new selective backing plates, and an additional wave plate for improved neutral to drive shift feel. . New lo and reverse clutch housing and lo and reverse clutch pack assembly, including: a new housing, new piston, two wave plates, and selective backing plates for improved neutral to reverse shift feel.
DATE OF CHANGE: (Figure 1) -------------- The new forward clutch assembly implemented July 3, 1986, Julian Date 184, and the new lo and reverse clutch assembly implemented July 8, 1986, Julian Date 189, for all models of the THM 125/125C.
1985 and/or 1986 Model Year: --------------------------- The neutral to drive package can be used to service a 1985 or 1986 (before Julian Date 184) THM 125C transaxle exhibiting a harsh drive engagement by replacing the forward clutch with the new forward clutch assembly.
The neutral to reverse package can be used to service a 1985 or 1986 (before Julian Date 189) THM 125C transaxle exhibiting a harsh reverse engagement by replacing the lo and reverse clutch assembly with the new lo and reverse housing assembly, and new lo and reverse clutch pack assembly. (The lo and reverse clutch pack assembly contains both wave plates, the steel and compositioned-faced plates, and the correct selective backing plate.)
1986 and/or 1987 Model Year: --------------------------- When servicing the forward and/or lo and reverse clutch assemblies on a 1986 (after Julian Date 184) or 1987 THM 125C transaxle, it is important to select the correct backing plate. The backing plate selection effects piston travel and shift feel.
To check the forward clutch backing plate selection, apply approxi- mately 10 lbs. of pressure on the backing plate and check the gap between the backing plate and snap ring. If the gap is larger than 1.49 mm use the next thicker backing plate and if smaller than 0.67 use the next thinner backing plate. Refer to figure 2 for alternate backing plate selections.
The new lo and reverse clutch pack assembly (wave, steel, compositioned-faced, and selective backing plate) is serviced as an assembly only.
8664167 Forward Clutch Assembly, Complete 8664152 Lo and Reverse Clutch Housing Assembly 8664151 Lo and Reverse Clutch Pack Assembly
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