GM Service Manual Online
For 1990-2009 cars only


Models/Years 1982-83 Firenza Models


General Motors has determined that 1982-1983 Firenza models equipped with 1.8 liter Electronic Fuel Injection/Overhead Cam 4-cylinder engines may have been produced with a cogged timing belt that was inadequately tensioned at time of assembly. Low tension can allow the timing belt to contact the front cover with resultant noise and/or failure of the internal timing belt cogs. If several cogs in a row are lost, the engine may not start or run.

To correct this condition, dealers are to replace the timing belt and tension the new belt to a higher specification.


Involved ae ALL 1982 Firenza models equipped with 1.8L EFI/Overhead Cam 4-cylinder engines (Option Code LH8).

Also involved are all 1983 Firenza models equupped with 1.8L EFI/Overhead Cam 4 cylinder engine (Option Code LH8) built WITHIN the following breakpoints:

BEGINNING PLANT V. I. N. UP TO AND INCLUDING ----- -------- ------------------- 1983 Leeds DK300001 DK316828


Dealers are to service all vehicles subject to this campaign at no charge to owners, regardless of mileage, age of vehicle, or ownership, from this time forward.

Whenever a vehicle subject to this campaign is taken into your used vehicle inventory, or it is in your dealership for service in the future, you should take the steps necessary to be sure the campaign correction has been made before reselling or releasing the vehicle.

Owners of vehicles recently sold from your new vehicle inventory are to be contacted by the dealer, and arrangement made to make the required modification according to instructions contained in this bulletin.



Whenever a timing belt is replaced on the subject engine, it must be adjusted

Tension Specifications

Belt Tension With Engine Hot 150 N (30 LBS.)

The timing belt tension gage, J26486-A, was an Essential Tool included originally in the tool package which dealers received approximately March, 1981. This same tool was applied to the new 1.8L OHC L-4 (LH8) engine when it was released. Because of the importance of correct belt tensioning, it is imperative all dealers have a gage which is accurately calibrated.

Part II - Timing Belt R&R Procedure


1. Loosen generator pivot bolts. 2. Remove power steering belt (if equipped). 3. Remove two (2) upper timing cover bolts. 4. Disconnect canister purge hose and swing aside. 5. Hoist vehicle. Refer to Section OA of the applicable service manual for general vehicle lifting instructions. 6. Remove right front wheel. 7. Remove inner splash shield. 8. Remove two (2) lower timing cover bolts, leave cover on. 9. Remove air conditioning belt (if equipped). 10. Rmove crankshaft pulley. 11. Lower vehicle to just above floor. 12. Remove lower timing cover. 13. Remove coolant reservior. 14. Remove probe holder. 15. Align timing mark on camshaft gear with mark on camshaft carrier.

Important: Do not turn camshaft. Use only crankshaft nut to turn. Turning the nut on the camshaft directly can damage the camshaft bearings.

16. Loosen water pump bolts and remove timing belt (with timing marks aligned.)


1. Install new timing belt.

2. Adjust timing belt to specification using tool J-26486-A. Tool J-33039 is used to adjust the water pump. It can be modified as shown in Figure 1. With gage (tool J-26586A) installed, (Figure 2) tension to within bend (between two arrows on perimeter of dial face); identified by (11) 1.8 OHC (See Figure 3).

Adjusting the tension with the gage installed on the belt will ensure an initial over-tensioning with the new belt.

3. Plug the canister purge hose and run engine above idle for at least three (3) minutes to obtain normal engine operating temperature (upper radiator hose hot).

As the new belt takes its set position, a substantial tension loss will occur.

4. After engine has been run, recheck tension with gage on belt, to within prescribed band on gage.

If reset of tension is required, it it imperative that gage be removed from belt before the readjustment is performed.

If gage is left on belt during the reset of tension, the reading will be incorrect. In other words, the gage must not be installed during tensioning due to a possible over tensioning effect.

The timing mark on the camshaft gear and carrier must be aligned during the final tension recheck or reset.

5. Tighten water pump bolts. Torque to 24 N.m (18 Lbs. Ft.)

6. Install probe holder.

7. Install timing cover and two upper bolts (not tightened).

8. Raise vehicle.

9. Install cranksahft pulley.

10. Install air conditioning belt (if equipped). Set belt tension to 350 N (75 lbs.).

11. Install two (2) lower timing cover bolts and tighten.

12. Install inner splash shield.

13. Install right front wheel. Torque nuts to 140 N.m (100 lbs. Ft.).

14. Lower vehicle.

15. Position and connect canister purge hose.

16. Install two (2) upper timing cover bolts.

17. Install power steering belt (if equipped). Set belt tension to 450 N (100 lbs.) minimum.

18. Tighten generator pivot bolts to 33 N.m (24 lbs. ft.).

Part III Installation of Campaign Identification Label

Each vehicle modified in accordance with the instructions outlined in this service procedure will require a campaign identification label. Each label provides a space to include the campaign number, the five-digit dealer code of the dealer performing the campaign service, and the date vehicle was campaigned. This information may be inserted with a typewriter or ballpoint pen. Install the label on the fan shroud where it is readily visible.

Parts Information

Timing belt (part number 90122429) is to be obtained from WDDGM.

To ensure this part will be obtained as soon as possible, it should be ordered from WDDGM on a C.I.O. order with no special instruction code, but order on an advise code (2).

A replaced timing belt is to be retained for disposition by zone personnel.

Warranty Information

Operation Failure Code Labor Operation Labor Hours --------- ------------- ---------------- ------------

Replace Timing Belt 96 V1890 1.0 hr. With A/C or P/S 96 V1891 1.2 hr. With A/C & P/S 96 V1892 1.4 hr.

.1 hour for clerical administration may be added to the above operations.

Part will be credited at dealer net, plus 30% dealer handling allowance.

Object Number: 94475  Size: MF

Object Number: 94474  Size: MF

Object Number: 86986  Size: MF

General Motors bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform those technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, do not assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See a General Motors dealer servicing your brand of General Motors vehicle for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.