Listed below is supplemental information to Dealer Management Bulletin 86-I-14.
COVERUNIT 22527799 22527663 1636247 COVER SERVICE* 22524159 22522741 25527327 EMBLEM SERVICE* 22524160 1636248 1636248 BRACKET* 14080280 22522026 2522026 RETAINER* 22522008 22522008 BOLT CIRCLE 5.00 in. 115 mm 115 mm BOLT/NUT* NUT NUT RED 14035631 22522014 25527325 GREEN 14035632 22522011 25527322 BLUE 22522010 25527321 YELLOW 22522012 25527323 ORANGE 22530036 22522013 25527324 BROWN 14035633 22522015 25527326 GOLD 14035634 BLACK 14035635 VENDOR Norris Wire Wheel Wire Wheel Cover Cover PATTERN Scallop Groove Groove
*Available through WDDGM. CALAIS CALAIS DESIGN I DESIGN II 13" 13"
COVER UNIT 22531474 22533084 COVER SERVICE* 22531474 22533084 EMBLEM SERVICE* 22533085 22533085 BRACKET* 22531476 22531476 RETAINER* 22531453 22531453 BOLT CIRCLE 100 mm 100 mm BOLT/NUT* NUT NUT RED 22531448 22531448 GREEN 22531449 22531449 YELLOW 22531452 22531452 BLACK 22531450 22531450 SILVER 22531451 22531451 VENDOR Norris Norris PATTERN Hole Hole
*Available through WDDGM.
1986 Calais Design I - Has center bolt type retention Design II - Has finger type retention
1986 Cutlass Ciera Design I - Has finger type retention Design II - Has center bolt type retention
1986 Ninety-Eight Design I - Has metal lock nut Design II - Has plastic lock nut
1986 Toronado Design I - Has metal lock nut Design II - Has plastic lock nut
NOTE : 1986 Calais models will be serviced using Design II wheel covers.
General Motors bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform those technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, do not assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See a General Motors dealer servicing your brand of General Motors vehicle for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.