| Action
| Value(s)
| Yes
| No
| Were you sent here from a diagnostic table?
| Go to
Step 2
| Refer to Electric Shift Transfer Case Functional Test
- Check the 10 AMP Illumination fuse (number 5) in the IP fuse block
for an open.
- Check the 10 AMP power fuse (number 15) in the IP fuse block for
an open.
- Check the 20 Amp ATC fuse in the underhood bussed electrical center
(UBEC) for an open.
Is one of the fuses open?
| Go to
Step 3
| Refer to All Shift Select Buttons Remain
- Replace the fuse.
- Turn the ignition switch to the RUN position.
- Check the operation of the electronic shift system.
- Check the fuse for an open.
Is the fuse open?
| Go to
Step 4
| Refer to Electric Shift Transfer Case Functional Test
- Turn the ignition switch to the OFF position.
- Check pins C1 and C2 on the shift select switch for a ground if
fuse 5 or 15 in the IP block was open.
- Check CKT 1640 for a ground if the ATC fuse was open.
Was one of the CKT grounded?
| Go to
Step 5
| Go to
Step 6
- Position the ignition switch to OFF.
- Repair the grounded CKT.
- Replace the fuse.
Is the repair completed?
| Refer to Electric Shift Transfer
Case Functional Test
| --
| Check
pin A on the back of the shift select switch for B+ voltage.
Is B+ voltage on pin A?
| Go to
Step 8
| Go to
Step 7
- Open wire in CKT 1220 between the fuse and pin C1, or CKT 241between
the fuse and pin C2.
- Repair the open.
- Check for loose electrical connectors.
Is the repair complete?
| Refer to Electric Shift Transfer
Case Functional Test
| --
- Position the ignition switch to RUN.
- Do not unplug the harness connector from the shift select switch.
- Depress all three shift select buttons as the following pins are
checked for B+ voltage.
- Check pins A, B, and F on the back of the shift select switch
for B+ voltage.
Is B+ voltage at pin A, B, or F?
| Go to
Step 9
| Go to
Step 10
- Position the ignition switch to OFF.
- Ensure pin D10 on the TCCM is grounded.
Is pin D10 grounded?
| Go to
Step 12
| Go to
Step 11
- Position the ignition switch to OFF.
- Replace the shift select switch.
Has the shift select switch been replaced?
| Refer to Electric
Shift Transfer Case Functional Test
| --
- An open in CKT 1050 between pin D10 and ground.
- Repair the open in CKT 1050.
Is the repair completed?
| Refer to Electric Shift Transfer
Case Functional Test
| --
| Check
pins C6 and C8 on the TCCM for B+ voltage.
Is B+ voltage at pins C6 and C8?
| Refer to Perform
a Diagnostic On the TCCM
| Go to
- If no B+ is on C6, an open exists on CKT 40 between the fuse and
pin C6 on the TCCM.
- If no B+ is on C8, an open exist on CKT 241 between the fuse and
pin C8 on the TCCM.
Is the open repaired?
| Refer to Electric Shift Transfer
Case Functional Test
| --