Name | Location | Locator View | Connector End View |
Clutch Pedal Position and Cruise Control Shutoff Switch | On clutch pedal support bracket | 8A-201 | 8A-202 |
Data Link Connector | Lower LH side of instrument panel | 8A-201 | 8A-202 |
I/P Fuse Block | LH side of instrument panel | 8A-201 | 8A-11 |
Instrument Cluster | LH side of instrument panel | 8A-201 | 8A-202 |
Safety Belt Retractor Switch | Under driver's seat | 8A-201 | 8A-202 |
Supplemental Restraint (Discriminating) Sensor, LH (3 Cavities) | On frame rail crossmember just inside the LH frame rail | 8A-201 | 8A-202 |
Supplemental Restraint (Discriminating) Sensor, RH (2 Cavities) | On frame rail crossmember just inside the RH frame rail | 8A-201 | 8A-202 |
Supplemental Restraint Arming Sensor (4 Cavities) | Inside LH frame rail | 8A-201 | 8A-202 |
Supplemental Restraint Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module | Behind RH kick panel | 8A-201 | 8A-202 |
Supplemental Restraint Steering Wheel Inflator Module | In steering wheel | 8A-201 | -- |
Supplemental Restraint Steering Wheel Module Coil | In steering column | 8A-201 | -- |
C102 (15 cavities) | Engine harness to front of dash harness, LH rear of engine compartment above brake booster | 8A-201 | 8A-202 |
C109 (4 cavities) | Front of dash harness to inflatable restraint sensor, LH rear of engine compartment near Battery Junction Block | 8A-201 | 8A-202 |
C110 (4 cavities) | Front of dash harness to chassis harness, Engine compartment near power distribution center | 8A-201 | 8A-202 |
C200 (23 cavities) | Front of dash harness to I/P harness, behind RH side of instrument panel | 8A-201 | 8A-202 |
C203 (56 cavities) | Front of dash harness to I/P harness, behind instrument panel, RH side | 8A-201 | 8A-202 |
C214 (2 Cavities) | Front of dash harness SIR to steering column harness SIR, SIR connector at steering column | 8A-201 | 8A-202 |
C225 (2 Cavities) | Steering column harness to inflator module pigtail | -- | 8A-202 |
G102 (4.3 L Engine) | RH rear of engine, on head | 8A-201 | -- |
G104 (4.3 L Engine) | LH rear portion of cylinder head | 8A-201 | -- |
G113 (2.2 L Engine) | LH rear of engine compartment to the left of the A/C compressor relay | 8A-201 | -- |
G115 (2.2 L Engine) | LH rear of engine, below crankshaft positon sensor | 8A-201 | -- |
G116 (2.2 L Engine) | LH side of engine below exhaust manifold, engine harness | 8A-201 | -- |
G118 | On top of RH frame rail, ahead of RH front wheel | 8A-201 | -- |
P100 | At cowl on LH rear of engine compartment | 8A-201 | -- |
S109 (4.3L Engine) | Engine harness, 7 cm to the right of C102, C103, and C104 breakout | 8A-201 | -- |
S112 (2.2L Engine) | Engine harness, 6 cm toward dash from generator harness breakout | -- | -- |
S213 | I/P harness, 4 cm left of cigarette lighter breakout | 8A-201 | -- |
S232 | Front of dash harness, 8 cm into the clutch pedal position and cruise control shutoff switch breakout | 8A-201 | -- |
S233 | Front of dash harness, 27 cm right of P100 | 8A-201 | -- |
S241 | In front-of-dash harness 6 cm to the right of the steering column breakout | 8A-201 | -- |
S244 | Front of dash harness, 26 cm right of steering column breakout | 8A-201 | -- |
S245 | Front of dash harness, 28 cm right of steering column breakout | 8A-201 | -- |
S258 | Front of dash harness, 36 cm from C200 breakout near the DERM connector | 8A-201 | -- |
S260 | Front of dash harness, 3 cm from the inflatable restraint diagnostic energy reserve module | 8A-201 | -- |