Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 | Backprobe the headlamp switch with a test lamp from terminal 1 to B+. Did the test lamp light? | -- | Go to Step 2 | Go to Step 3 |
2 | Backprobe the headlamp switch with a test lamp from terminal 3 to B+ with the headlamps switch on and the headlamps dimmer switch in the high beam position. Did the test lamp light? | -- | Go to Step 4 | Go to Step 5 |
3 | Repair the open in CKT 68, 21, 87, or 550 (BLK) between the headlamp switch and G105. Do the headlamps light? | -- | System OK | -- |
4 | Backprobe the low/high lighting relay with a test lamp from terminal 86 to B+. Did the test lamp light? | -- | Go to Step 6 | Go to Step 7 |
5 | Replace the headlamp switch. Do the headlamps light? | -- | System OK | -- |
6 | Backprobe the low/high lighting relay with a test lamp from terminal 85 to ground. Did the test lamp light? | -- | Go to Step 8 | Go to Step 9 |
7 | Repair the open in CKT 721 (RED/YEL) between the low/high lighting relay and the headlamp switch. Do the headlamps light? | -- | System OK | -- |
8 | Backbrobe the low/high lighting relay with a test lamp from terminal 30 to B+. Did the test lamp light? | -- | Go to Step 10 | Go to Step 11 |
9 | Repair the open in CKT 719 (ORN) between the IP fuse block and the low/high lighting relay. Do the headlamps work? | -- | System OK | -- |
10 | Backprobe the low/high lighting relay with a test lamp from terminal 87 to ground. Did the test lamp light? | -- | Go to Step 13 | Go to Step 12 |
11 | Repair the open in CKT 720 (BLK) between low/high lighting relay and G105. Do the headlamps light? | -- | System OK | -- |
12 | Repair the open in CKT 696 (BLK/WHT) between S317 and the low/high lighting relay. Do the headlamps light? | -- | System OK | -- |
13 | Replace the low/high lighting relay. Do the headlamps light? | -- | System OK | -- |