- Inspect Circuit Breakers number 6, 14, 15, and 16. If the Circuit
Breaker is Open, Locate and Repair the cause of the circuit overload and Replace
the Circuit Breaker.
- Inspect G105 to make certain that it is clean and
- Inspect the inoperative lamp for an open or shorted filament.
Replace the lamp if it is defective.
- Inspect the DRL OFF Relay, the DRL ON Relay, the Lighting Relay,
Low/High Lighting Relay and the Panel Lamp/DRL Relay, to make certain that
they are all tightly connected.
- Inspect for a broken (or partially broken) conductor inside the
insulation which could cause a malfunction but prove GOOD in a system test
for continuity or voltage These circuits may be intermittent or resistive,
when loaded, and if possible, should be monitored for a voltage drop when
the system is placed under load.
- Inspect for proper installation of aftermarket electronic equipment
which might affect the operation of other equipment.