Abbreviation | Meaning |
A | |
A | Ampere(s) |
ABS | Antilock Brake System |
A/C | Air Conditioning |
AC | Alternating Current |
ACL | Air Cleaner |
A/D | Analog to Digital |
A/F | Air/Fuel Ratio |
AM/FM | Amplitude Modulation/Frequency Modulation |
AMR | Anisotropic Magneto Resistive |
Ant | Antenna |
APP | Accelerator Pedal Position |
ASM | Assembly |
A/T | Automatic Transmission |
ATDC | After Top Dead Center |
Auto | Automatic |
avg | Average |
B | |
B+ | Battery Positive Voltage |
BARO | Barometric Pressure |
BATT | Battery |
BBV | Brake Booster Vacuum |
BCM | Body Control Module |
BEC | Body Electrical Centre |
BHP | Brake Horsepower |
BLK | Black |
BLU | Blue |
BP | Back Pressure |
BPMV | Brake Pressure Modulator Valve |
BPP | Brake Pedal Position |
BRN | Brown |
BTDC | Before Top Dead Center |
C | |
°C | Degrees Celsius |
Cam | Camshaft |
CCDIC | Climate Control Driver Information Centre |
cm³ | Cubic Centimeters |
CD | Compact Disc |
cfm | Cubic Feet per Minute |
cg | Center of Gravity |
CKP | Crankshaft Position |
CL | Closed Loop |
CMP | Camshaft Position |
CO | Carbon Monoxide |
CO² | Carbon Dioxide |
Coax | Coaxial |
COMM | Communication |
Conn | Connector |
CPA | Connector Position Assurance |
CPP | Clutch Pedal Position |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
cu ft | Cubic Foot/Feet |
cu in | Cubic Inch/Inches |
CV | Constant Velocity Joint |
Cyl | Cylinder(s) |
D | |
dB | Decibels |
dBA | Decibels on A-weighted Scale |
DC | Direct Current, Duty Cycle |
dia | Diameter |
DIC | Driver Information Center |
Diff | Differential |
DIM | Dash Integrated Module |
DK | Dark |
DLC | Data Link Connector |
DMM | Digital Multimeter |
DOHC | Dual Overhead Camshafts |
DR, Drvr | Driver |
DRL | Daytime Running Lamps |
DSC | Driver Shift Control |
DTC | Diagnostic Trouble Code |
E | |
EBCM | Electronic Brake Control Module |
EC | Engine Control |
ECM | Engine Control Module, Electronic Control Module |
ECS | Emission Control System |
ECT | Engine Coolant Temperature |
EEPROM | Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory |
EGR | Exhaust Gas Recirculation |
EI | Electronic Ignition |
ELAP | Elapsed |
ELC | Electronic Level Control |
EMI | Electromagnetic Interference |
Eng | Engine |
EOP | Engine Oil Pressure |
EOT | Engine Oil Temperature |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
EPROM | Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory |
ESC | Electronic Suspension Control |
ESD | Electrostatic Discharge |
EVAP | Evaporative Emission |
F | |
°F | Degrees Fahrenheit |
ft | Foot/Feet |
FT | Fuel Trim |
FWD | Front Wheel Drive, Forward |
G | |
g | Grams, Gravitational Acceleration |
gal | Gallon |
GM | General Motors |
GMLAN | General Motors Local Area Network |
gnd | Ground |
gpm | Gallons per Minute |
GRN | Green |
GRY | Grey |
H | |
H | Hydrogen |
H²O | Water |
HC | Hydrocarbons |
hex | Hexagon, Hexadecimal |
HSD2 | High Side Driver 2 |
HO²S | Heated Oxygen Sensor |
hp | Horsepower |
HSPO | Holden Spare Parts Operations |
HVAC | Heater-Ventilation-Air Conditioning |
Hz | Hertz |
I | |
IAC | Idle Air Control |
IAT | Intake Air Temperature |
IC | Integrated Circuit, Ignition Control |
ICM | Ignition Control Module |
ID | Identification, Inside Diameter |
ign | Ignition |
IMS | Internal Mode Switch |
in | Inch/Inches |
inst | Instantaneous, Instant |
IP | Instrument Panel |
IPC | Instrument Panel Cluster |
ISO | International Standards Organization |
ISOVIN | International Standards Organization Vehicle Identification Number |
ISS | Input Shaft Speed |
K | |
KAM | Keep Alive Memory |
kg | Kilogram |
kHz | Kilohertz |
km | Kilometer |
km/h | Kilometers per Hour |
km/l | Kilometers per Liter |
kPa | Kilopascals |
KS | Knock Sensor |
kV | Kilovolts |
L | |
L | Litre |
lb | Pound |
lb ft | Pound Feet Torque |
lb in | Pound Inch Torque |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Display |
LED | Light Emitting Diode |
LF | Left Front |
LR | Left Rear |
M | |
MAF | Mass Air Flow |
Man | Manual |
MAP | Manifold Absolute Pressure |
max | Maximum |
mi | Miles |
MIL | Malfunction Indicator Lamp |
min | Minimum |
mL | Milliliter |
mm | Millimeter |
mpg | Miles per Gallon |
mph | Miles per Hour |
ms | Millisecond |
M/T | Manual Transmission |
MV | Megavolt |
mV | Millivolt |
N | |
NC | Normally Closed |
NEG | Negative |
Neu | Neutral |
N·m | Newton-meter Torque |
NO | Normally Open |
NOx | Oxides of Nitrogen |
NOVRAM | Non-Volatile Random Access Memory |
O | |
O² | Oxygen |
O²S | Oxygen Sensor |
OBD | On-Board Diagnostics |
OBD II | On-Board Diagnostics Second Generation |
OCC | Occupant Climate Control |
OD | Outside Diameter |
ODO | Odometer |
OE | Original Equipment |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer |
OHC | Overhead Camshaft |
Ω | Ohm |
ORN | Orange |
ORVR | On-Board Refueling Vapor Recovery |
OSS | Output Shaft Speed |
oz | Ounce(s) |
P | |
PAG | Polyalkylene Glycol |
PASS, PSGR | Passenger |
PC | Pressure Control |
PCB | Printed Circuit Board |
PCS | Pressure Control Solenoid |
PCV | Positive Crankcase Ventilation |
PM | Permanent Magnet |
PNK | Pink |
PNP | Park/Neutral Position |
PRNDL | Park, Reverse, Neutral, Drive, Low |
POS | Positive, Position |
PPL | Purple |
ppm | Parts per Million |
PSP | Power Steering Pressure |
psi | Pounds per Square Inch |
psig | Pounds per Square Inch Gauge |
pt | Pint |
PTC | Positive Temperature Coefficient |
PWCM | Power Window Control Module |
PWM | Pulse Width Modulated |
Q | |
qt | Quart(s) |
R | |
R-134a | Refrigerant-134a |
RAM | Random Access Memory, Non-permanent memory device, memory contents are lost when power is removed. |
RAP | Retained Accessory Power |
Ref | Reference |
Rev | Reverse |
RF | Right Front, Radio Frequency |
RFA | Remote Function Actuation |
RH | Right Hand |
ROM | Read Only Memory, Permanent memory device, memory contents are retained when power is removed. |
RPM | Revolutions per Minute Engine Speed |
RPO | Regular Production Option |
RR | Right Rear |
RT | Right |
RTV | Room Temperature Vulcanizing Sealer |
RWD | Rear Wheel Drive |
S | |
s | Second(s) |
SAE | Society of Automotive Engineers |
SDM | Sensing and Diagnostic Module |
SEO | Special Equipment Option |
SFI | Sequential Fuel Injection |
SIC | Secondary Information Centre |
SOC | State of Charge |
SPS | Service Programming System |
sq ft, ft² | Square Foot/Feet |
sq in, in² | Square Inch/Inches |
SIR | Supplemental Restraint System |
SS | Shift Solenoid |
sync | Synchronize |
T | |
TAC | Throttle Actuator Control |
Tacho | Tachometer |
TCC | Torque Converter Clutch |
TCS | Traction Control System |
TDC | Top Dead Center |
TEMP | Temperature |
TFP | Transmission Fluid Pressure |
TFT | Transmission Fluid Temperature |
TP | Throttle Position |
TPA | Terminal Positive Assurance |
TPMS | Tyre Pressure Monitoring System |
TR | Transmission Range |
TRANS | Transmission |
TXV | Thermal Expansion Valve |
U | |
UBEC | Underhood Body Electrical Centre |
U-joint | Universal Joint |
UV | Ultraviolet |
V | |
V | Volt(s), Voltage |
V6 | Six-Cylinder Engine, V-Type |
V8 | Eight-Cylinder Engine, V-Type |
Vac | Vacuum |
VF | Vacuum Fluorescent |
VIO | Violet |
VIN | Vehicle Identification Number |
V ref | Voltage Reference |
VSES | Vehicle Stability Enhancement System |
VSS | Vehicle Speed Sensor |
W | |
w/ | With |
WHT | White |
w/o | Without |
WOT | Wide Open Throttle |
WSS | Wheel Speed Sensor |
Y | |
yd | Yard(s) |
YEL | Yellow |