GM Service Manual Online
For 1990-2009 cars only



Locator View

Connector End View


On the left side of the IP, to the right of the steering column, in the right accessory trim plate, the bottom gauge

Engine Electrical Component Views

Engine Electrical Connector End Views


On the top of the crossmember or relocated by the upfitter

Power and Grounding Component Views in Wiring Systems

Power and Grounding Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

Battery, Center (Triple Batteries)

On the top of the crossmember, between the left battery and the right battery, or relocated by the upfitter

Power and Grounding Component Views in Wiring Systems

Power and Grounding Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

Battery, Left (Dual Batteries)

On the top of the crossmember, the left battery, or relocated by the upfitter

Power and Grounding Component Views in Wiring Systems

Power and Grounding Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

Battery, Left (Triple Batteries)

On the top of the crossmember, the left battery, or relocated by the upfitter

Power and Grounding Component Views in Wiring Systems

Power and Grounding Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

Battery, Right (Dual Batteries)

On the top of the crossmember, the right battery, or relocated by the upfitter

Power and Grounding Component Views in Wiring Systems

Power and Grounding Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

Battery, Right (Triple Batteries)

On the top of the crossmember, the right battery, or relocated by the upfitter

Power and Grounding Component Views in Wiring Systems

Power and Grounding Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

Clutch/  Starter Interlock Switch (Cat® Diesel)

On the clutch pedal bracket

Engine Electrical Component Views

Engine Electrical Connector End Views

Clutch/  Starter Interlock Switch (Gasoline)

On the clutch pedal bracket

Engine Electrical Component Views

Engine Electrical Connector End Views

Clutch/ Starter Interlock Switch Jumper Harness (C215, 2 cavities) (Automatic Transmission) (Cat® Diesel)

On the clutch switch jumper, to the IP harness, at the clutch pedal support bracket

Engine Electrical Component Views

Engine Electrical Connector End Views

Clutch/ Starter Interlock Switch Jumper Harness (C215, 2 cavities) (Automatic Transmission) (Gasoline)

On the clutch switch jumper, to the IP harness, at the clutch pedal support bracket

Engine Electrical Component Views

Engine Electrical Connector End Views

Ether Injection Control Valve (Cat® Diesel)

In the engine compartment, on the right side of the bulkhead

Engine Electrical Component Views

Engine Electrical Connector End Views

Ether Injection/  Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Switch (Cat®  Diesel)

On the rear of the engine, on the cylinder head

Engine Electrical Component Views

Engine Electrical Connector End Views

Flasher/ Relay Center

In the right side of the IP

Power and Grounding Component Views in Wiring Systems

Engine Exhaust Brake Connector End Views

Fusible Link N (rust) (Cat®  Diesel)

In the engine harness, to the generator B+ stud



Fusible Link P (blue)

In the engine harness, in the main harness at starter solenoid C2, B+ stud



Fusible Link S (blue) (Cat® Diesel)

In the engine harness, in the main harness, approximately 35 cm (14 in) from the breakout to the starter solenoid



Fusible Link S (blue) (Gasoline)

In the engine harness, in the main and starter harness breakout, at the breakout to the starter solenoid



Generator (Cat® Diesel)

On the right side of the engine

Engine Electrical Component Views

Engine Electrical Connector End Views

C1 (ring terminal)

In the engine harness, to the generator Bat terminal

Engine Electrical Component Views

Engine Electrical Connector End Views

C2 (ring terminal)

In the engine harness, to the generator R terminal

Engine Electrical Component Views

Engine Electrical Connector End Views

C3 (2 cavities)

In the engine harness, to the generator

Engine Electrical Component Views

Engine Electrical Connector End Views

Generator (Gasoline)

On the upper right side of the engine

Engine Electrical Component Views

Engine Electrical Connector End Views

C1 (ring terminal)

In the engine harness, to the generator Bat terminal

Engine Electrical Component Views

Engine Electrical Connector End Views

C2 (4 cavities)

In the engine harness, to the generator

Engine Electrical Component Views

Engine Electrical Connector End Views

C1 (ring terminal)

In the engine harness, to the generator Bat terminal

Engine Electrical Component Views

Engine Electrical Connector End Views

C2 (4 cavities)

In the engine harness, to the generator

Engine Electrical Component Views

Engine Electrical Connector End Views

Generator Fuse

Taped to the engine harness at the rear of the generator

Instrument Panel, Gages, and Console Component Views in Instrument Panel, Gauges and Console

Instrument Panel, Gages, and Console Connector End Views in Instrument Panel, Gauges and Console


On the left side of the IP, to the right of the steering column, on the center accessory trim plate, the top gauge

Instrument Panel, Gages, and Console Component Views in Instrument Panel, Gauges and Console

Instrument Panel, Gages, and Console Connector End Views in Instrument Panel, Gauges and Console

IP Fuse Block

In the center of the IP, to the left of the instrument panel cluster (IPC)

Power and Grounding Component Views in Wiring Systems

Power and Grounding Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

Ignition Switch

On the top side of the lower steering column

Power and Grounding Component Views in Wiring Systems

Power and Grounding Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

C1 (5 cavities)

In the IP harness, to the ignition switch

Power and Grounding Component Views in Wiring Systems

Power and Grounding Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

C2 (4 cavities)

In the IP harness, to the ignition switch

Power and Grounding Component Views in Wiring Systems

Power and Grounding Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

Instrument Panel Cluster (IPC)

In the left side of the IP

Instrument Panel, Gages, and Console Component Views in Instrument Panel, Gauges and Console

Instrument Panel, Gages, and Console Connector End Views in Instrument Panel, Gauges and Console

MaxiFuse® Block/ Mini-Relay Center

On the right side of the IP, under the access cover

Power and Grounding Component Views in Wiring Systems

Power and Grounding Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

MaxiFuse® Block 1

On the right side of the IP, under the access cover, on the left side of the MaxiFuse® block/ mini-relay center

Power and Grounding Component Views in Wiring Systems

Power and Grounding Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

MaxiFuse® Block 2

On the right side of the IP, under the access cover, on the center of the MaxiFuse® block/ mini-relay center

Power and Grounding Component Views in Wiring Systems

Power and Grounding Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

Multifunction Alarm Module (MFAM) (Cat® Diesel)

In the center of the IP harness, behind the right access panel

Engine Controls Component Views in Engine Controls 7.2L (Caterpillar®)

Engine Controls Connector End Views in Engine Controls 7.2L (Caterpillar®)

C1 (16 cavities)

In the IP harness, to the MFAM

Engine Controls Component Views in Engine Controls 7.2L (Caterpillar®)

Engine Controls Connector End Views in Engine Controls 7.2L (Caterpillar®)

C2 (4 cavities) (with Automatic Engine Shutdown)

In the IP harness to the MFAM

Engine Controls Component Views in Engine Controls 7.2L (Caterpillar®)

Engine Controls Connector End Views in Engine Controls 7.2L (Caterpillar®)

Multifunction Alarm Module (MFAM) (Gasoline)

In the center of the IP, behind the right access panel

Engine Controls Component Views in Engine Controls 7.4L (Gasoline)

Engine Controls Connector End Views in Engine Controls 7.4L (Gasoline)

Multifunction Alarm Module (MFAM) Jumper (Shunt) (Cat® Diesel w/ out Automatic Engine Shutdown)

In the IP harness, taped to the main harness, between the IP fuse block and MFAM breakouts.

Engine Controls Component Views in Engine Controls 7.2L (Caterpillar®)

Engine Controls Connector End Views in Engine Controls 7.2L (Caterpillar®)

Neutral Switch (Automatic Transmission)

On the lower right side of the transmission

Engine Electrical Component Views

Engine Electrical Connector End Views

Starter Solenoid (Cat® Diesel)

On the lower right side of the engine

Engine Electrical Component Views


C1 (ring terminal)

On the positive battery cable to the starter solenoid Bat stud, at the starter motor

Engine Electrical Component Views


C2 (ring terminal)

In the engine harness, to the starter solenoid Bat stud, at the starter motor

Engine Electrical Component Views


C4 (ring terminal)

In the engine harness, to the starter solenoid Sol stud, at the starter motor

Engine Electrical Component Views


Starter Solenoid (Cat® Diesel and HD Starter w/ Overcrank Protection)

On the lower right side of the engine

Engine Electrical Component Views


C2 (ring terminal)

In the engine harness, to the starter solenoid, at the starter motor

Engine Electrical Component Views


C4 (ring terminal)

In the engine harness, to the starter solenoid, at the starter motor

Engine Electrical Component Views


Starter Solenoid (Gasoline)

On the lower right side of the engine

Engine Electrical Component Views


C1 (ring terminal)

On the positive battery cable to the starter solenoid, at the starter motor

Engine Electrical Component Views


C2 (ring terminal)

In the engine harness, to the starter solenoid, at the starter motor

Engine Electrical Component Views


C4 (ring terminal)

In the engine harness, to the starter solenoid, at the starter motor

Engine Electrical Component Views


C1 (ring terminal)

On the positive battery cable to the starter solenoid, at the starter motor

Engine Electrical Component Views


C2 (ring terminal)

In the engine harness, to the starter solenoid, at the starter motor

Engine Electrical Component Views


C4 (ring terminal)

In the engine harness, to the starter solenoid, at the starter motor

Engine Electrical Component Views


Starter Thermal Switch (Cat® Diesel and HD Starter w/ Overcrank Protection)

On the lower right side of the engine, on the end of the starter motor

Engine Electrical Component Views

Engine Electrical Connector End Views

Upfitter Connector (C212, 23 cavities)

Under the left side of the IP, by the left kick panel

Power and Grounding Component Views in Wiring Systems

Power and Grounding Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

Upfitter Connector Jumper (Shunt) (23 cavities)

Under the left side of the IP, by the left kick panel

Power and Grounding Component Views in Wiring Systems

Power and Grounding Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

C106A (1 cavity) (Cat® Diesel)

In the engine harness, to the engine harness, near the starter solenoid breakout


Inline Harness Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

C106A (1 cavity) (Cat® Diesel and HD Starter w/ Overcrank Protection)

In the starter motor overcrank protection jumper harness, to the engine harness, near the starter solenoid breakout


Inline Harness Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

C106B (1 cavity) (Cat® Diesel)

In the engine harness, to the engine harness, near the starter solenoid breakout


Inline Harness Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

C106B (1 cavity) (Cat® Diesel and HD Starter w/ Overcrank Protection

In the starter motor overcrank protection jumper harness, to the engine harness, near the starter solenoid breakout


Inline Harness Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

C200 (56 cavities) (Cat® Diesel)

In the IP harness, to the engine harness, under the right side of the IP


Inline Harness Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

C200 (56 cavities) (Gasoline)

In the IP harness, to the engine harness, under the right side of the IP


Inline Harness Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

C215 (2 cavities) (Automatic Transmission)

In the IP harness, to the clutch/ starter interlock switch jumper, near the brake pedal


Inline Harness Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

C235 (1 cavity)

In the engine harness, between C200 and P100


Inline Harness Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

C400 (1 cavity) (Cat® Diesel)

On the positive battery cable harness, to the engine harness, near the battery.


Inline Harness Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

C402 (2 cavities) (Cat® Diesel)

On the positive battery cable harness, to the engine harness, near the battery


Inline Harness Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

C409 (8 cavities) (Cat® Diesel)

In the engine harness, to the transmission harness, on the left side of the engine, at the bellhousing


Inline Harness Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

C409 (8 cavities) (Gasoline)

In the engine harness, to the transmission harness, on the left side of the engine, at the bellhousing


Inline Harness Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

D101 (Ether Injection Diode) (Cat® Diesel)

In the engine harness, in the main harness, approximately 20 cm (7.9 in) from P100, toward the engine



D200 (Charge Indicator Diode) (Cat® Diesel)

In the IP harness, in the main harness, the in-line generator diode, approximately 4 cm (1.6 in) to the left of the data link connector (DLC) breakout



G101 (Cat® Diesel)

From the starter motor end ground stud (G101) to the right frame rail ground (G100)



G102 (Cat® Diesel)

From the engine harness, to the lower right front side of the engine



G102 (Gasoline)

From the engine harness, to the back of the left cylinder head



G117 (Cat® Diesel)

The engine harness ground and generator ground strap, at the right side of the engine (G117) to the generator (G119)



G117 (Gasoline)

The generator ground strap, from the right side of the engine (G117) to the generator (G119)



G119 (Cat® Diesel)

The generator ground strap, from the right side of the engine (G117) to the generator (G119)



G119 (Gasoline)

The generator ground strap, from the right side of the engine (G117) to the generator (G119)




From the negative battery cable to the right frame rail




From the negative battery cable to the left frame rail




From the negative battery cable to the right frame rail




On the right side of the bulkhead




In the engine harness, approximately 16 cm (6.3 in) from the starter solenoid terminal C3




In the engine harness, approximately 36 cm (14.2 in) from the starter solenoid breakout



S122 (Cat® Diesel)

In the engine harness, approximately 18 cm (7.1 in) from the G401 G402 breakout




In the engine harness, approximately 10 cm (3.9 in) from the vacuum tube breakout



S123 (Cat® Diesel)

In the engine harness, approximately 34 cm (13.4 in) from the ground breakout




In the engine harness, approximately 4 cm (1.6 in) from the generator harness breakout



S138 (Cat® Diesel)

In the engine harness, approximately 11 cm (4.3 in) from the main harness, toward the forward lamps harness connector



S142 (Gasoline)

In the engine harness, approximately 4 cm (1.6 in) from the throttle position (TP) sensor, toward the breakout



S142 (Cat® Diesel)

In the engine harness, approximately 4 cm (1.6 in)




In the engine harness, approximately 4 cm (1.6 in) from the generator breakout



S182 (Cat® Diesel)

In the engine harness, approximately 16 cm (6.3 in) from generator terminal C1




In the IP harness, approximately 9 cm (3.5 in) to the right of the hazard warning switch breakout




In the IP harness, approximately 4 cm (1.6 in) to the left of the hazard warning switch breakout




In the IP harness, approximately 25 cm (9.8 in) to the right of the data link connector (DLC) breakout




In the IP harness, approximately 15 cm (5.9 in) to the right of the data link connector (DLC) breakout




In the IP harness, approximately 12 cm (4.7 in) to the right of the data link connector (DLC) breakout



S226 (Cat® Diesel)

In the IP harness, at the cathode (-) end of the charge indicator diode (D200), approximately 10 cm (3.9 in) to the right of the data link connector (DLC) breakout




In the IP harness, approximately 4 cm (1.6 in) to the right of the instrument panel cluster (IPC) connector breakout




In the IP harness, approximately 59 cm (23.2 in) from the main harness, toward the IP harness connector




In the IP harness, approximately 4 cm (1.6 in) to the right of the break switch interface module breakout




In the positive battery cable connector, at the end of the gray fusible link R

