The Automatic Transaxle Shift Lock Control Actuator is energized when the ignition switch is in the on or start position. The A/T Shift Lock Control Actuator receives power from the ERLS fuse located in the IP Fuse Block. The A/T Shift Lock Control Actuator receives ground from the Body Control Module (BCM). Upon pressing the brake pedal, current is interrupted and de-energizes the A/T Shift Lock Control Actuator. When the A/T Shift Lock Control Actuator is energized, the automatic transaxle shifter is locked and cannot be shifted out of PARK. When the A/T Shift Lock Control Actuator is de-energized, the shifter can be shifted out of PARK, as long as the ignition switch is in the on or start position. The BCM determines transaxle shifter position through the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) via class 2 serial data communication. The PCM receives inputs from the Park/Neutral Position (PNP) switch and determines shifter position. This information is supplied to the BCM for A/T Shift Lock Control Actuator operation. The BCM controls the ground feed to the A/T Shift Lock Control Actuator. When the BCM determines that the shifter is out of PARK, the BCM removes ground feed to the A/T Shift Lock Control Actuator., thus de-energizing it.