If the vehicle is equipped with a sunroof, the controls to operate it are located on the headliner above the rearview mirror. The ignition must be in RUN/ON or ACC/ACCESSORY, or Retained Accessory Power (RAP) must be active, to operate the sunroof. See Retained Accessory Power (RAP) for more information.
To express-open the sunroof glass panel and sunshade, press the switch rearward and release it.
To stop the sunroof before it is completely open, press the switch rearward again. The sunshade cannot be closed with the sunroof open.
To close the sunroof, press forward and hold the switch until the sunroof stops, lifts and seals at the back of the sunroof glass. Press forward on the switch again, to make sure the sunroof is fully closed.
To put the sunroof in the vent position, pull down on the front of the switch. Push up on the front of the switch to close it.