When the ignition switch is in the run position and the 4WD control lever is in the 4WD position, the transfer case switch closes terminal A to terminal C supplying a ground on terminal B, (CKT 1296) of the front axle actuator/switch. With the ground applied, the lodgic of the actuator/switch actuates a DC motor to engage, (or disengage when the ground is removed) the front axle and supply voltage to terminal A. Voltage on terminal A, CKT 1695 is to notify the PCM/VCM and the Anti-Lock Brake System that the vehicle is in the 4WD mode. When the 4WD control lever is in the 4WD Low range position, the transfer case switch closes terminal B, CKT 1694, to ground. CKT 1694 is used to inform the VCM/PCM that the vehicle is in Low range. When the vehicle is in Low range the VCM/PCM changes the shift pattern of the automatic transmission. Battery voltage is supplied on terminal C of the front axle actuator/switch on CKT 241 through the 4WD fuse located in the left bussed electrical center (LBEC).