Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing Replacement LAT
Removal Procedure
- Drain the cooling system. Refer to
Cooling System Draining and Filling
Important: A drain has been provided at the bottom of the water pump for engine block coolant drainage.
- Drain the coolant from the engine block at the water pump drain. After the coolant has drained, tighten the drain bolt.
- Lower the vehicle.
- Remove the battery tray. Refer to
Battery Tray Replacement
- Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (1) from the engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor.
- Remove the heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) electrical connector rosebud clip from the thermostat housing.
- Reposition the radiator outlet hose clamp at the thermostat cover.
- Remove the radiator outlet hose from the thermostat cover.
- Remove the exhaust heat shield studs (2).
- Remove the exhaust heat shield.
- Remove the auxiliary heater water pump hose clip (1) from the heater outlet hose.
- Reposition the auxiliary heater water pump hose clamp at the thermostat housing.
- Remove the auxiliary heater water pump hose (2) from the thermostat housing.
- Reposition the heater inlet hose clamp at the thermostat housing.
- Remove the heater inlet hose (3) from the thermostat housing.
- Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to
Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle
- Remove the ECT sensor, if necessary.
- Remove the thermostat housing bolts.
Important: Twist the water transfer pipe while pulling in order to remove it from the water pump.
- Remove the thermostat from the vehicle.
- Remove the water transfer pipe from the thermostat housing, if necessary.
- Remove and discard the water transfer pipe O-ring seals, if necessary.
- Remove the thermostat cover bolts and cover, if necessary.
- Remove the thermostat, if necessary.
- Remove and discard the thermostat cover O-ring seal, if necessary.
- Remove all debris and thread sealant from the engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor and bolt holes if the housing is being re-used.
Installation Procedure
- Install a NEW thermostat cover O-ring seal into the recess groove.
- Install the thermostat, if necessary.
Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in the Preface section.
- Install the thermostat cover bolts, if necessary.
Tighten the bolts to 10 N路m (89 lb in).
- Install a NEW thermostat housing to engine gasket onto the thermostat housing.
- Load the thermostat housing assembly into position.
Important: The water feed pipe seals can be lightly lubricated with coolant to aid during installation.
- Install NEW O-ring seals onto the water feed pipe.
Important: Lubricate the O-rings with coolant ONLY.
- Install the water feed pipe into the thermostat housing aligning locator tab.
- Align the water pipe to water pump.
- Seat the water feed O-ring seal by pushing inward toward the water pump. Take care not to tear or damage the O-ring.
- Position the thermostat housing against the engine.
- Install the thermostat housing bolts.
Tighten the bolts to 10 N路m (89 lb in).
- If reinstalling the old sensor, coat the threads with sealant. Refer to
Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers
- Install the ECT sensor, if necessary.
Tighten the sensor to 20 N路m (15 lb ft).
- Lower the vehicle.
- Install the heater inlet hose (3) to the thermostat housing.
- Position the heater inlet hose clamp at the thermostat housing.
- Install the auxiliary heater water pump hose (2) to the thermostat housing.
- Position the auxiliary heater water pump hose clamp at the thermostat housing.
- Install the auxiliary heater water pump hose clip (1) to the heater outlet hose.
- Install the exhaust heat shield.
- Install the exhaust heat shield studs (2).
Tighten the studs to 22 N路m (16 lb ft).
- Install the radiator outlet hose to the thermostat cover.
- Position the radiator outlet hose clamp at the thermostat cover.
- Connect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (1) to the ECT sensor.
- Install the HO2S electrical connector rosebud clip to the thermostat housing.
- Install the battery tray. Refer to
Battery Tray Replacement
- Verify the drain valves at the radiator and water pump are closed.
- Lower the vehicle.
- Fill the cooling system. Refer to
Cooling System Draining and Filling
Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing Replacement LY7
Removal Procedure
- Partially drain the cooling system. Refer to
Cooling System Draining and Filling
- Remove the radiator outlet hose from the thermostat housing.
- Remove the heater inlet and outlet hoses.
- Remove the surge tank outlet hose.
- Remove the thermostat housing bolts (1).
- Remove the housing (2).
Installation Procedure
Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in the Preface section.
- Install the thermostat housing bolts (1).
Tighten the thermostat housing bolts to 10 N路m (89 lb in).
- Install the surge tank outlet hose.
- Install the heater inlet and outlet hoses.
- Install the radiator outlet hose to the thermostat housing (2).
- Fill the cooling system. Refer to
Cooling System Draining and Filling