Scan Tool Data Definitions Cruise Control
The Engine Scan Tool Data Definitions contains a brief
description of all engine related parameters available on the scan tool. The
list is in alphabetical order. A given parameter may appear in any one of
the data lists. In some cases, the parameter may appear more than once
or in more than one data list in order to group certain related parameters
APP Average: The scan tool displays 0-125 counts. The TAC Module
takes the voltages from the 3 APP Sensors, averages the readings and converts
the readings into counts. The scan tool displays the average.The average
is different on every vehicle.
APP Indicated Angle: The scan tool displays 0-100 percent. The scan tool
displays the Accelerator Pedal Position in percentage. When the APP is at
rest, the display shows 0 percent. When the APP is fully depressed, the
display shows 100 percent.
Cruise Applied: The scan tool displays Yes or No. When the Cruise control switch
is in the on position and the Set/Coast switch is activated the scan tool
displays YES. When the cruise control switch is in the ON position and
the Set/Coast switch is released the scan tool displays NO.
CC Brake Switch: The scan tool displays Applied or Released (manual transmission).
This parameter indicates the state of the TCC/Brake switch circuit input.
Open indicates 0 voltage input (brake switch open, brake pedal applied).
Closed indicates a B+ voltage input (brake switch closed, brake pedal released).
When you apply the vehicle brakes, the scan tool displays Applied. The
torque converter clutch and cruise control disengages. When you release
the vehicle brakes, the scan tool displays Released. This allows the
cruise control to be resumed and the torque converter clutch to engage.
Cruise Inhibit Signal Command: Displays On and OFF. The scan tool indicates if the PCM is commanding
the cruise control module to inhibit cruise control operation.
Clutch Switch: The scan tool displays Applied or Released. When the vehicle clutch
pedal is pressed the scan tool display shows Applied, and the cruise control
will disengage. When the vehicle clutch pedal is released, the scan tool
displays Released, and the cruise control can be resumed.
Cruise Disengage History 1-6: The Scan tool displays the last 6 cruise control disengages in
order from 1 to 6. There are 20 possible causes for the cruise control to
Cruise Resume/Accel: The scan tool displays On or Off. When the Cruise control switch
is in the on position and the Resume/Accel switch is activated, the scan tool
displays ON. When the Resume/Accel switch is released the scan tool displays
Cruise Set/Coast: The scan tool displays On or Off. When the Cruise control switch
is in the on position and the Set/Coast switch is activated, the scan tool
displays ON. When the Set/Coast switch is released the scan tool displays
Cruise On/OFF Switch: The scan tool displays On or Off. When you activate the cruise
control switch, the scan tool displays ON. The switch, when in the ON position,
sends a signal voltage to the Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) Module. This
allows all other functions of the Cruise Control. When you turn off the
cruise control switch, the scan tool displays OFF.
Engine Load: Scan tool displays 0 to 100%. Engine load is calculated by the
PCM from the engine speed and MAF sensor readings. Engine load should increase
with an increase in RPM and air flow.
Engine Run Time: Scan tool displays 00:00:00 to 99:99:99 Hrs:Min:Sec. Indicates
the time elapsed since the engine was started. If the engine was stopped,
ENGINE RUN TIME will be reset to 00:00:00.
Engine Speed: Scan tool displays 0 to 9999RPM. Engine speed is computed by the
PCM from the 3X reference input. It should remain close to the desired idle
under various engine loads with engine idling.
Extended Travel Brake Switch: The scan tool displays Applied or Released. This parameter indicates
the state of the extended travel brake switch. This switch is normally closed
with the brake pedal released. Scan tool displays Released with the brake
pedal released. Scan tool displays Applied with the brake pedal applied
approximately greater than 40 percent.
Ignition 1 Signal: The scan tool displays 0 to 25.5 volts. Represents the system voltage
measured by the PCM at its ignition feed.
PRND Position: The scan tool displays which position the gear shift lever is in.
Reduced Engine Power: The scan tool displays Active or Inactive. The scan tool displays
Active when the PCM receives a signal from the TAC module that a throttle
actuator control system fault is occurring. The PCM limits the engine power.
Stop Lamp Switch: The scan tool displays Applied or Released. When the brake pedal
is pressed, the scan tool displays applied and the stop lamps go on. When
the brake pedal is at rest, the scan tool displays Released and the stop
lamps go off.
TAC/PCM Communication: The scan tool displays OK or Fault. If the communication between
the TAC Module and the PCM is interrupted the scan tool displays Fault. The
scan tool displays OK under the normal operating conditions.
TCC/CC Brake Switch: The scan tool displays Applied or Released. This parameter indicates
the state of the TCC/Brake switch circuit input. Open indicates 0 voltage
input (brake switch open, brake pedal applied). Closed indicates a B+
voltage input (brake switch closed, brake pedal released). When you apply
the vehicle brakes, the scan tool displays Applied. The torque converter
clutch and cruise control disengages. When you release the vehicle brakes,
the scan tool displays Released. This allows the cruise control
to be resumed and the torque converter clutch to engage.
TCC Enable Solenoid: The scan tool displays Enabled or Disabled. When the PCM applies
a voltage to the TCC Enable solenoid the scan tool displays Enabled.
TP Desired Angle: The scan tool displays 0-100 percent. The PCM indicates
the desired throttle angle commanded by the vehicle operator.
TP Indicated Angle: The scan tool displays 0-100 percent. The TP Indicated
Angle displays in percentage the amount of throttle opening.
Traction Control: The scan tool displays Active or Inactive (If equipped). The scan
tool displays active if the PCM receives a signal from the Electronic Brake
and Traction Control Module (EBTCM) requesting torque reduction during a
traction control maneuver.
Transmission Range: Scan tool displays the transmission gear position.
Vehicle Speed: The scan tool displays km/h and mph. The vehicle speed sensor signal
is converted into km/h and mph for display.
Scan Tool Data Definitions Disengage History
Brake Switches: The TAC module detects one of the brake switches active (TCC Brake
Switch/Cruise Control Brake Switch or Stop Lamp Switch).
Pedal Initialization: The PCM does not detect the brake or clutch switches active during
an ignition cycle.
Clutch Switch: The TAC module detects the clutch switch active.
S/C (Set/Coast) On, CC (Cruise Control) Off: The TAC module detects the Cruise Set/Coast signal is ON. When
the switch is pushed (Cruise Coast Mode), this parameter will be displayed.
If a fault is present with the Cruise Set/Coast signal circuit, this parameter
will be displayed.
Coast Speed Low: The Set/Coast switch is pushed and held until vehicle speed drops
below 32 km/h (20 mph). Vehicle speed below 32 km/h (20 mph)
will disable the cruise system.
TAC Inhibit: The TAC module has detected that an Electronic Throttle Control
fault is active.
Accel (Acceleration) Rate: The vehicle acceleration is greater than the expected acceleration
rate which is calculated by the PCM.
Decel (Deceleration) Rate: The vehicle deceleration is greater than the expected deceleration
rate which is calculated by the PCM.
High Speed: The PCM detects that the vehicle speed is greater than 265 km/h
(165 mph).
CC (Cruise Control) Switch Position: The TAC module will not allow cruise with the current position
of the cruise switches.
Low Speed: The PCM detects that the vehicle speed is less than 39 km/h
(24 mph) when cruise enable is attempted.
No History: The No History parameter is displayed when a battery disconnect
Cruise Off: The TAC module does not detect that the cruise enable switch is
Over Set Speed: The TAC module detects that the vehicle speed is greater than the
cruise memory speed by more than a predetermined amount or, the vehicle speed
is greater than a predetermined value during a transient maneuver, such
as, Resume, Accel, Tap-up or Tap-downs, etc.
S/C On-Speed High: This parameter is displayed when the Set/Coast switch is applied
(tap down vehicle speed) and the vehicle speed is greater than the cruise
memory speed by more than a predetermined value. For example, if the cruise
control system is set to maintain a vehicle speed of 48 km/h (30 mph)
then the vehicle is accelerated to 80 km/h (50 mph) and
you press the Set/Coast again, the S/C On-Speed High message appears
in the Cruise Control Disengage History.
PCM Inhibit: The PCM detects one of the following conditions:
• | The transmission is not in gear. |
• | The Engine Coolant Over Temperature-Fuel Disabled mode is active. |
• | The TAC module detects a Resume/Accel switch fault. |
• | The TAC module detects a Set/Coast switch fault. |
• | The PCM detects a Vehicle Speed sensor fault. |
• | A brake or clutch switch fault is detected. |
• | An internal PCM fault is detected. |
Two CC Commands: The TAC module detects the Set/Coast and Resume/Accel switches
are active at the same time.
PCM Error: An internal PCM fault is detected.
Traction Loss: The TAC module detects the vehicle is in a Traction Control event.
Under Set Speed: The TAC module detects that the vehicle speed is less than the
cruise memory speed by more than a predetermined amount or, the vehicle
speed is less than a predetermined value during a transient maneuver,
such as, Resume, Accel, Tap-up or Tap-downs, etc.