Subject: | 98073 -- Starter Motor Replacement |
Models: | Certain 1999 Japan Export RHD Chevrolet Blazer (S/T Export Truck) |
Equipped with 4.3L V6 Engine (RPO L35 -- VIN Code W) |
General Motors has decided that certain 1999 Japanese export RHD Chevrolet Blazer (S/T Export Truck) model vehicles equipped with 4.3L V6 (RPO L35) engines may exhibit a condition in which an internal starter motor bushing may move from its fixed gear support position approximately 3mm towards the pinion end of the starting motor and prevent the starter drive from returning to the proper rest position. This condition causes the pinion teeth to touch the flexplate gear teeth and results in noise during vehicle operation, eventually resulting in flexplate damage.
To prevent the possibility of this condition occurring, dealers are to replace the starter motor.
Involved are certain 1999 Japan export RHD Chevrolet Blazer (S/T Export Truck) model vehicles equipped with 4.3L (L35) V6 engines and built within the following VIN breakpoints:
Year | Division | Model | Plant | Plant Code | From | Through |
1999 | Chevrolet | Blazer | Linden | K | XK100025 | XK100837 |
Important: Please check DCS Screen 445 or your VIN listing before performing campaign to ensure that the vehicle is affected. Only affected VINs will be paid.
Involved vehicles have been identified by Vehicle Identification Number. Computer listings containing the complete Vehicle Identification Number, customer name and address data have been prepared, and are being furnished to involved dealers with the campaign bulletin. The customer name and address data furnished will enable dealers to follow-up with customers involved in this campaign. Any dealer not receiving a computer listing with the campaign bulletin has no involved vehicles currently assigned.
Parts required to complete this campaign are being shipped at no charge. The production part number for this starter motor is 12560019 and the SPO part number for this same starter motor is 10465167.
Part Number | Description | Qty/ Vehicle |
10465167 | Starter Motor | 1 |
The attached suggested dealer letter is recommended and should be sent to the owners of record by dealers.
All unsold new vehicles in dealers' possession and subject to this campaign MUST be held and inspected/repaired per the service procedure of this campaign bulletin BEFORE customers take possession of these vehicles.
Dealers are to service all vehicles subject to this campaign at no charge to customers, regardless of mileage, age of vehicle, or ownership, from this time forward.
Customers who have recently purchased vehicles sold from your vehicle inventory, and for which there is no customer information indicated on the dealer listing, are to be contacted by the dealer. Arrangements are to be made to make the required correction according to the instructions contained in this bulletin. This could be done by mailing to such customers a copy of the customer letter accompanying this bulletin.
In summary, whenever a vehicle subject to this campaign enters your vehicle inventory, or is in your dealership for service in the future, please take the steps necessary to be sure the campaign correction has been made before selling or releasing the vehicle.
Each vehicle corrected in accordance with the instructions outlined in this Product Campaign Bulletin will require a "Campaign Identification Label". Each label provides a space to include the campaign number and the five (5) digit dealer code of the dealer performing the campaign service. This information may be inserted with a typewriter or a ball point pen.
Each "Campaign Identification Label" is to be located on the radiator core support in an area which will be visible when the vehicle is brought in by the customer for periodic servicing. Additional Campaign Identification Labels can be obtained from your Regional Marketing Office.
Apply the "Campaign Identification Label" only on a clean, dry surface.
Submit a Product Campaign Claim with the information indicated below.
Repair Performed | Part Count | Failed Part No. | CC-FC | Labour Op | Labour Hours | Net Item |
Replace Starter Motor | 0 | -- | MA-96 | V0272 | 0.4 | * |
* -- The amount identified in the "Net Item" column represents the sum total of the Yanase 22% warranty/campaign parts allowance, which consists of the 12% Landed Cost Mark-Up (LCM) and the fixed 10% dealer's administration allowance, and is not to exceed $28.28. |