Subject: | 1.6 L91 Engine - DTC P0456 |
Models: | . |
When servicing the vehicle with the VIN you entered, the following diagnosis might be helpful if the vehicle exhibits the described symptoms.
DTC P0456
Inspect the fuel filler neck sealing surface for imperfection. Surface imperfections should be visible with the naked eye and include nicks and wrinkles. Verify the gas cap is secure and the ratcheting mechanism is working. If the sealing surface appears OK and the gas cap is tight, then proceed with published diagnosis .... SI document number 1456096.
Please follow this diagnosis process thoroughly and complete each step. If the condition exhibited is resolved without completing every step, the remaining steps do not need to be performed. If these steps do not resolve the condition, please contact GM TAC for further diagnostic assistance. This diagnostic approach was developed for the vehicle with the VIN you entered and should not be automatically be used for other vehicles with similar symptoms.
(04 Chevrolet Aveo)