Adjust Display Down Switch: The scan tool displays Inactive/Active.
This is the state of the head up display (HUD) Information Down Switch.
Adjust Display Up Switch: The scan tool displays Inactive/Active.
This is the state of the HUD Information Up Switch
Ambient Light Sensor: The scan tool displays the state of the
ambient light sensor as determined by the HUD.
Auto. Trans. Equipped: The scan tool displays No/Yes. The scan
tool displays if the vehicle is equipped with an automatic transmission system.
Battery Voltage Signal: The scan tool displays 0-19 volts.
This is the voltage measured at the battery positive voltage circuit of the HUD.
Battery Voltage Signal: The scan tool displays 0-19 volts.
This is the voltage measured at the battery positive voltage circuit of the instrument
panel cluster (IPC).
Brake Fluid: The scan tool displays Ok/Low. This is the status
of the brake fluid level switch signal.
Brake Fluid Switch: The scan tool displays the voltage at the
brake fluid switch signal circuit as monitored by the IPC.
Commanded Gear: The scan tool displays the commanded gear as
determined by the transmission control module (TCM).
Cruise Control Active: The scan tool displays No/Yes. This is
the state of the cruise control switch input as determined by the engine control module
Current Gear: The scan tool displays the current gear (P/N,
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and Reverse) of the transmission.
Display Dimming: The scan tool displays 0-100%. This is
the current state of the display dimming as controlled from the dimmer switch.
Display Dimming Signal: The scan tool displays Volts. The scan
tool displays the voltage at the Display Dimming Signal circuit of the HUD.
ECT Sensor: The scan tool displays -40 to +151°C (-40
to +304°F). The ECM monitors the voltage at the signal circuit of the engine coolant
temperature sensor. The voltage is inversely proportional to the engine coolant temperature.
Engine Oil Life Remaining: The scan tool displays 0-100%.
The ECM calculates the amount of engine oil life remaining.
Engine Oil Level Switch: The scan tool displays OK or Low. The
ECM monitors the engine oil level switch and receives a serial data message indicating
the engine oil level.
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor: The scan tool displays OK or Low.
The ECM monitors the engine oil pressure sensor and receives serial data message indicating
the engine oil pressure.
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor: The scan tool displays the oil pressure
in kPa or psi. The ECM monitors the engine oil pressure sensor and receives serial
data message indicating the engine oil pressure.
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor: The scan tool displays 0-5 volts.
The ECM monitors the engine oil pressure sensor and receives serial data message indicating
the engine oil pressure sensor voltage.
Engine Oil Temperature: The scan tool displays °C (°F).
The ECM monitors the temperature of the engine oil. The ECM receives serial data messages
indicating the state of the engine oil temperature.
Engine Speed: The scan tool displays 0-8000 RPM.
Engine speed is computed by the ECM from the ignition reference input. It should remain
close to desired idle under various engine loads with the engine idling.
Engine Speed Signal: The scan tool displays 0-8000 RPM.
The engine speed is computed by the IPC from the engine speed serial data message
from the ECM.
English Metric Status: The scan tool displays English or Metric
system. This is the selected unit that is display in the HUD.
English / Metric Switch: The scan tool displays English or Metric
system. This is the selected unit (English or Metric) that is displayed in the IPC.
Fuel Level Sensor Left Tank: The scan tool displays 0-5 volts.
The ECM monitors the signal circuit of the secondary fuel level sensor.
Fuel Level Sensor Right Tank: The scan tool displays 0-5 volts.
The ECM monitors the signal circuit of the primary fuel level sensor.
Fuel Tank Level Remaining: The scan tool displays the approximate
value of fuel remaining in liters or gallons. The ECM calculates the amount of fuel
remaining in the tanks based on the signal circuits of the fuel level sensors.
Gage Back Lighting Dimming: The scan tool displays 0 to 100 %.
This is the status of the gage backlighting dimming as controlled from the switch.
GEN L Terminal: The scan tool displays Off/On. The ECM disables
the generator under certain conditions to ease starting or engine load conditions.
Ignition 0 Signal: The scan tool displays On/Off. The
scan tool displays On when voltage is present at the Ignition 0 voltage circuit of
the ECM.
Ignition 1 Signal: The scan tool displays 9-16 Volts.
This is the voltage present at the Ignition 1 voltage circuit of the ECM.
Ignition 1 Input: The scan tool displays Inactive or
Active. The scan tool displays Active when voltage is present at Ignition 1
input of the IPC.
Ignition Cycle Counter: The scan tool displays Counts. The scan
tool displays the number of times the ignition has been cycled as provided by the
Indicator Dimming: The scan tool displays 0-100%. The
scan tool displays the current state of the indicator dimming as provided by the IPC.
Information Down Switch: The scan tool displays Inactive or
Active. This is the state of the Information Down Switch of the driver information
center (DIC) as provided by the IPC.
Information Reset Switch: The scan tool displays Inactive or
Active. This is the state of the Information Reset Switch of the DIC as provided by
the IPC.
Information Up Switch: The scan tool displays Inactive or Active.
This is the state of the Information Up Switch of the DIC as provided by the IPC
LCD Dimming: The scan tool displays 0-100%. The scan tool
displays the current state of the LCD dimming as provided by the IPC.
Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) Circuit Status: The scan tool
displays Fault. This is the status of the MIL circuit as monitored by the ECM.
MIL Command: The scan tool displays Off or On. The is the commanded
state of the MIL by the ECM. The MIL should be on in the IPC when the scan tool displays
the MIL Command is On.
Pointer Dimming: The scan tool displays 0-100%. The scan
tool displays the current state of the pointer dimming as provided by the IPC.
PRNDL State: The scan tool displays Invalid, First Gear, Second
Gear, Third Gear, Fourth Gear, Fifth Gear, Reverse, Neutral, Park, Drive, Not Available.
The IPC displays the current transmission range as provided by the ECM. The IPC receives
a serial data message indicating the vehicle transmission range from the TCM.
Reduced Engine Power: The scan tool displays Inactive or Active.
This is the state of the Reduced Engine Power message as commanded by the ECM. The
IPC receives a serial data message requesting the display of the Reduced Engine Power
Speed Biasing Status: The scan tool displays Disabled or Enabled.
This is the status of the speed biasing feature as provided by the HUD.
Trip Odometer A / B Switch: The scan tool displays Inactive
or Active. This is the status of the Trip Odometer A / B Switch as provided by the
IPC. The trip odometer switch states can be toggled between trips A and B.
Trip Reset Switch: The scan tool displays Inactive or Active.
This is the state of the odometer trip reset switch as provided by the IPC.
Vehicle Speed: The scan tool displays km/h or mph. The vehicle
speed is computed by the IPC from the vehicle speed serial data message from the ECM.
Vehicle Speed Sensor: The scan tool displays 0-255 km/h
(0-155 mph). This is the vehicle speed as calculated by the ECM.
Vehicle Security Status: The scan tool display Fuel Continued,
Disable Timeout, Disable Ign., Off Key Timer Active, VTD Fail Enable, Learn Enable.
The scan tool displays the Vehicle Security Status as detected by the ECM.