Hdlp. Washer Relay Cmd.: This output displays the operation mode of the headlamp washer pump.
Headlamp Washer Switch: The scan tool displays the state of the headlamp washer switch.
Washer Relay Cmd.: This output displays the operation mode of the washer pump.
Windshield Washer Switch: The BCM uses this input to determine if the wash switch is depressed. If it is depressed, the BCM commands the FRNT WASHER relay ON and keeps it ON until 2 wipe cycles have completed after the switch has been released.
Windshield Wiper Switch: The scan tool displays Off/Intermittent/Low. When the wiper switch activated, the scan tool will display the selected intermittent or low switch input to the BCM.
Wiper Delay Setting: The scan tool displays 1,2,3,4,5. When the wiper switch is placed a DELAYmode, the scan tool will display the delay mode number as selected.
Wiper High Speed Relay Cmd.: The scan tool displays On/OFF. When the wiper switch is placed in the high speed position, the scan tool displays the BCM output command of the WPR HI relay.
Wiper High Speed Switch: The scan tool displays Inactive/Active. When the wiper switch is placed in the high speed position, the scan tool displays the switch input to the BCM as Active.
Wiper Motor Park Switch: The body control module (BCM) uses this input to determine the position of the wipers. When the wipers are in the PARK or down position, the wiper motor park switch signal circuit of the BCM is pulled low and the
scan tool will display Active.
Wiper Relay Cmd.: The scan tool displays On/Off. When the wipers are On, the scan tool displays the BCM output command of the WPR relay as On.