Subject: | Insufficient or No Fluid/Spray From Rear Window Washer on Lift Gate (Check for Proper Hose Connection or Replace Nozzle) |
Models: | 2004 Cadillac SRX |
This bulletin is being revised to add another condition. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 04-08-43-002 (Section 08 - Body and Accessories).
Some customers may comment that the rear window washer is inoperative.
A chemical from the hose may have plugged the wiper nozzle.
Important: Do not twist the nozzle when removing or it may break. Grasp the nozzle with a pair of pliers and pull straight off.
Replace the washer nozzle. If the nozzle end breaks off, use an airdrill motor with a 2 mm (3/32 in) drill. Using light pressure, rapidly trigger the switch so that the drill bites into the remaining part of the nozzle and pull out. The broken nozzle piece is about 14 mm (1/2 in) long. Flush the system by activating the washer.
Some customers may comment that the fluid spray from the rear window washer is not sufficient.
This condition may be due to the rear window washer hose being disconnected, pinched/kinked at the headliner to lift gate connection located at the upper RH corner of the lift gate hinge panel.
Part Number | Description |
12335989 | Nozzle R/WDO Washer |
Parts are currently available from GMSPO.
For vehicles repaired under warranty, use:
Labor Operation | Description | Labor Time |
B9717 | RR WDO Washer Hose Connection -- Connect/Adjust | 0.2 hr |
B1791 | Hoses, Nozzles or Stops, Wiper Repair or Replace | 0.1-0.3 hr |