When the ignition switch is in the RUN position, battery positive voltage (B+) is applied to the coil of the fog lamp relay in the underhood relay center from the IGN 1 fuse via CKT 439 (PNK). Battery positive voltage (B+) is applied at all times to the switch side of the fog lamp relay from the FOG fuse via CKT 1640 (ORN). When the fog lamps switch is enabled, the instrument cluster fog lamps input is grounded through the headlamp switch via CKT 192 (ORN). In response to this input the instrument cluster sends a request via the Class 2 serial data line to the body control module (PZM) to activate the fog lamps. The PZM provides ground for the coil via CKT 1317 (DK GRN/WHT). The coil is then energized, closing the switch contacts. Battery positive voltage (B+) is then applied via CKT 34 (PPL) to the fog lamps and the fog lamps ON indicator. The PZM also activates the park lamps when the fog lamps are on. When the fog lamps are enabled and the high beams or flash-to-pass are activated, the front fog lamps will be temporarily disabled for as long as the high beams or flash-to-pass are enabled. The park lamps will remain on during this period.