Beginning in 1987, the diagnostic procedures in Section 6E of the Service Information manual for Cimarron, equipped with 2.8 L, and for Brougham equipped with 5.0 L, will be written to require the use of a scan tool or scanner. The procedure to display trouble codes using the "check engine" light is still included in the 1987 Manual. However, the "non-scan" steps have been eliminated from the trouble trees.
Please Note: Service Information Manuals for the 1987 Cadillac De Ville, Eldorado and Seville are still written for use with the on board self diagnostics. No scan tool will be necessary to diagnose those vehicles.
The 1987 Cimarron is equipped with a new generation ECM with a much faster diagnositc data stream. In the future (1987 and beyond), most GM fuel injected engines will use the new generation ECM with high speed diagnostic data. Most existing scan tools are not compatible with the new Cimarron ECM; some existing tools can be updated or adapted, others cannot.
If your dealership or technicians have scanning equipment, we suggest that you contact the company that supplied the equipment, to see if it can be updated to read 1987 diagnostic data. If existing equipment can't be updated, you must purchase new equipment that can be used to interrogate the new high speed data engine computer systems. Some possible sources for scan equipment are listed on the following pages.
Cadillac Service suggests some points to consider when purchasing a new scan tool:
1. Is the tool usable with all GM products from 1981 through 1987 (including those with high speed data)?
- The new ECM with high speed data is called "GMP4"
- The high speed data rate is 8192 characters per second or "8192 Baud"
- The ability to read data at "8192 Baud" is essential.
- Some tools can both read data and "talk" to the car by sending the ECM or BCM commands or requests for special tests. While this is a useful capability the new Service Information Manuals do not require the tool to command special tests.
- Some tools are compatible with the 1986 and 1987 Eldorado, Seville, Allante, which also have a high speed data link.
2. How is the tool updated?
- Common methods of update are to either return the tool to the manufacturer for rework, or to buy a plug in PROM or cartridge.
3. What is the cost for a yearly update or new PROM or cartridge?
4. Does the tool work on cars with on-board diagnostics?
- 1986 Eldorado, Seville, Riviera and Toronado, well as 1981 through 1986 Cadillac with DFI, all have on-board data display capability.
- A scan tool sometimes can display information not available through on-board diagnostics.
- A scan tool combined with the on-board data can sometimes help to expedite driveability diagnosis.
5. Will the tool record data?
- Some tools will record and play back several minutes of data for use in diagnosing intermittents or driveability problems.
6. Technicians who are purchasing a tool for personal use may wish to know if the tool is compatible with Ford and Chrysler fuel systems. Some scan tools are compatible with GM, Ford and Chrysler systems.
Some sources for scan tools are as follows:
ALL TEST Division of Triplett Corp. 2125 Stonington Hoffman Estates,IL 60195-2016 Telephone: 1-800-255-8378 (312) 519 0900 (Illinois)
Brainmaster 11 (Model 3257) - Covers 80 1/2 through 1987 GM Systems - Mail in for updates - Includes DVOM capability (20 meg-ohm impedance). - Includes GM Diesel ECM - Includes Ford and Chrysler adaptors, 1400 p. Mitchell Manual, case and owner's manual - About $370
GM Dealer Equipment Renaissance Center Tower 400, Suite 1500 Detroit, MI 48243 Telephone: (313) 567 5780 1-800-468-6657
Tech I - New for 1987 - Updated by cartridges, available from GM Tools. - Works with all 1981-1987 GM, including Cadillac DFI and 1986 Eldorado and Seville - Will record several snapshots of diagnostic data. - About $800 for tool plus 1981 -1986 cartridge. - About $130 additional for 1987 Cartridge
Kent Moore Tool Group 29784 Little Mack Roseville, MI 48066-9984 Telephone:800 345 2233 (313) 774-9500 (Michigan)
Monitor 2000 (J-3600A) - New for 1987 - Updated by cartridge - Ford and Chrysler Compatible - About $380 for tool, includes 1981-1986 cartridge and 1987 cartridge update.
Micro Processor Systems, Inc. 6405 Nineteen Mile Road Sterling Heights,MI 48078 Telephone: (313) 731 6410
MPSI "Model 8192 Convertor"
- Adapts 1986 and 1987 "fast data" data streams to any existing scan tool.
- Must have a scan tool updated to 1986 GM applications; call MPSI for information about compatibility with other than MPSI tools
- Updated by return to MPSI, each model year.
- About$150
MPSI "Model 8700 Scanner" - New scan tool for all 1980 1/2 through 1987 systems. - Updated by return to MPSI, each model year. - About $300
In addition to the above manufacturers, scan tools are available from Snap-On, Cornwell, Mac, and other tool dealers. Scan tools available through these sources include some of the above tools, plus tools from the following companies:
Microtron Products, Inc. TIF Instruments Inc. 2355 Avon Industrial Drive 9101 N.W.7th Ave Auburn Heights, MI 48057 Miami, FL 33150 Telephone: (313) 852 4042 Telephone: 1-800-327-5060 (Auto Data Scan tool) (TIF Scan tool)
At the time of this writing, details were not available about models, pricing, or capability of the Microtron or TIF scan tools. Write or call the above locations for details.
"We believe these sources and their equipment to be reliable. There may be additional manufacturers of such equipment. General Motors does not endorse, indicate any preference for or assume any responsibility for the products or equipment from these firms or for any such items which may be available from other sources."
General Motors bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform those technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, do not assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See a General Motors dealer servicing your brand of General Motors vehicle for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.