General Motors of Canada Limited has decided that certain 1997 Cadillac Catera model vehicles equipped with a dealer installed optional rear child seat tether anchor, may fail to conform to Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (CMVSS) 210.1, "Tether Anchorages for Child Restraints". These vehicles may have had the rear child seat tether (top strap) anchor improperly installed. As a result, the rear child seat tether (top strap) anchor may not perform as intended. This could increase the occupant's risk of injury in the event of a crash.
To prevent the possibility of this condition occurring, and in order to comply with CMVSS 210.1, dealers are to inspect for proper rear child seat tether (top strap) anchor position. Anchors found to be improperly installed will be removed and installed in the correct location.
Involved are the following eighteen (18) 1997 Cadillac Catera model vehicles equipped with an optional rear child seat tether:
W06VR52R1VR044758 W06VR54R2VR164193 W06VR52R9VR029831 W06VR54RXVR163745 W06VR52R6VR094457 W06VR54R9VR167091 W06VR52R8VR044739 W06VR54R8VR197912 W06VR54R6VR173690 W06VR54R8VR182469 W06VR52R9VR030722 W06VR54R1VR142153 W06VR52R3VR076241 W06VR54R1VR179204 W06VR52R5VR921025 W06VR52R3VR115684 W06VR52R6VR000514 W06VR52RXVR936359
Involved vehicles have been identified by Vehicle Identification Number. Computer listings containing the complete Vehicle Identification Number, customer name and address data have been prepared, and are being furnished to involved dealers with the campaign bulletin. The customer name and address data furnished will enable dealers to follow-up with customers involved in this campaign. Any dealer not receiving a computer listing with the campaign bulletin has no involved vehicles currently assigned.
These dealer listings may contain customer names and addresses obtained from the Inter-Provincial Record. The use of such motor vehicle registration data for any other purpose is a violation of provincial laws. Accordingly, you are urged to limit the use of this listing to the follow-up necessary to complete this campaign.
The rear window shelf panel will require replacement on vehicles which have the tether (top strap) anchor repositioned.
Parts required to complete this campaign are to be obtained from General Motors Service Parts Operations (GMSPO). Please refer to your "involved vehicles listing" prior to ordering requirements.
Part Number Description Quantity/Vehicle
12368899 Child Seat Tether Anchor Kit 1
90431547 Rear Window Shelf Panel - As Required Black (RPO 80I) - (W/Out RPO UZ8)
90439386 Rear Window Shelf Panel - As Required Black (RPO 80I) - (With RPO UZ8)
90439387 Rear Window Shelf Panel - As Required Gray (RPO 82I) - (W/Out RPO UZ8)
90439416 Rear Window Shelf Panel - As Required Gray (RPO 82I) - (With RPO UZ8)
90439583 Rear Window Shelf Panel - As Required Shale (RPO 60I) - (W/Out RPO UZ8)
90439584 Rear Window Shelf Panel - As Required Shale (RPO 60I) - (With RPO UZ8)
All customers of record at the time of campaign release are shown on the attached computer listing and have been notified by first class mail from General Motors (see copy of customer letter included with this bulletin). The listings provided are for campaign activity only and should not be used for any other purpose.
All unsold new vehicles in dealer's possession and subject to this campaign must be held and inspected/repaired per the service procedure of this campaign bulletin before customers take possession of these vehicles.
Dealers are to service all vehicles subject to this campaign at no charge to customers, regardless of mileage, age of vehicle, or ownership, from this time forward.
Customers who have recently purchased vehicles sold from your vehicle inventory, and for which there is no customer information indicated on the dealer listing, are to be contacted by the dealer. Arrangements are to be made to make the required correction according to the instructions contained in this bulletin. This could be done by mailing to such customers a copy of the appropriate customer letter accompanying this bulletin.
In summary, whenever a vehicle subject to this campaign enters your vehicle inventory, or is in your dealership for service in the future, you must take the steps necessary to be sure the campaign correction has been made before selling or releasing the vehicle.
1. Raise trunk lid.
2. From inside of the trunk, and with the aid of a flashlight, ensure that the tether anchor bolt has been installed in the proper location (one of three factory installed weld nuts) as illustrated below.
3. If the anchor is properly installed, proceed to step #7. If the anchor is improperly installed, proceed to step #4.
4. Remove existing "Rear Seat To Back Window Panel" (with anchor located incorrectly) per Section 10-8-15 of the Catera Service Manual.
5. Install the new "Rear Seat To Back Window Panel" per Section 10-8-15 of the Catera Service Manual.
6. Install the tether anchor bolt in the proper location.
7. Install Campaign Identification Label.
Each vehicle corrected in accordance with the instructions outlined in this Product Campaign Bulletin will require a "Campaign Identification Label." Each label provides a space to include the campaign number and the five (5) digit dealer code of the dealer performing the campaign service. This information may be inserted with a typewriter or a ball point pen.
Each "Campaign Identification Label" is to be located on the radiator core support in an area which will be visible when the vehicle is brought in by the customer for periodic servicing. Additional Campaign Identification Labels can be obtained from DGN by calling 1-800-668-5539 (Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST). Ask for Item Number GMP 91 when ordering.
Apply the "Campaign Identification Label" only on a clean, dry surface.
Submit a Product Campaign Claim with the information indicated below:
Inspect, Tether Anchor -- -- -- MA-96 V0072 0.2 Properly Installed.
Inspect, Tether Anchor 2 12368899 ** MA-96 V0073 0.8 Incorrectly Installed. Reposition Anchor & Replace Rear Window Panel
* For Campaign Administrative Allowance, add 0.1 hours to the "Labour Hours".
** The "Parts Allowance" should be the sum total of the current GMSPO Dealer Net price plus 40% for parts needed to complete the repair.
Refer to the General Motors Claims Processing Manual for details on Product Campaign Claim Submission.
November 1997
Dear General Motors Customer:
General Motors of Canada Limited has decided that certain 1997 Cadillac Catera model vehicles equipped with a dealer installed optional rear child seat tether anchor, may fail to conform to Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (CMVSS) 210.1, "Tether Anchorages for Child Restraints". These vehicles may have had the rear child seat tether (top strap) anchor improperly installed. As a result, the rear child seat tether (top strap) anchor may not perform as intended. This could increase the occupant's risk of injury in the event of a crash.
To prevent the possibility of this condition occurring, and in order to comply with CMVSS 210.1, your GM dealer will inspect for proper rear child seat tether (top strap) anchor position. Anchors found to be improperly installed will be removed and installed in the correct location.
This service will be provided for you at no charge.
Please contact your GM dealer as soon as possible to arrange a service date.
If parts are required, ask your dealer for details regarding their availability. If parts are not in stock, they can be ordered before scheduling your service date.
This letter identifies your vehicle. Presentation of this letter to your dealer will assist their Service personnel in completing the necessary correction to your vehicle in the shortest possible time.
We are sorry to cause you this inconvenience; however, we have taken this action in the interest of your continued satisfaction with our products.
Customer Support Department General Motors of Canada Limited
General Motors bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform those technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, do not assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See a General Motors dealer servicing your brand of General Motors vehicle for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.