A basic knowledge of the following items is required for use
of this section:
(Use of the diagnostic procedures in this section will be difficult
without this basic knowledge.)
Basic Electrical Circuits
An understanding of the following concepts is required:
• | The basic theory of electricity |
• | The meaning of the following terms: |
• | The result of an open or shorted wire in a circuit |
• | How to read and understand a wiring diagram |
Use Of Circuit Testing Tools
An understanding of the following concepts is required:
• | The use of the J 39200 Digital Multimeter (DMM) |
| Knowledge of the controls and their correct use is required. |
| Important: Use a solid, unpainted chassis ground or the negative battery cable
when measuring the resistance to ground.
• | How to measure the value of the following items: |
• | The correct use of jumper wires for the following purposes: |
Refer to the introduction of Troubleshooting Procedures (8A-4 in Electrical
Diagnosis) for a review of basic electrical troubleshooting knowledge.
General Motors Service Training also offers electrical/electronic courses.