J 39916-A CD and Cassette Diagnostic Audio Kit
Important: Always compare the front speakers to the front, and the rear speakers to the rear. DO NOT compare the front speaker to the rear speaker. The speakers may be different. The speakers mounting environment may cause the speakers to sound different.
Tones are used in order to test and evaluate coaxial speakers or other complex speaker systems.
The following list indicates the 3 basic tones that are used:
• | The 50 Hz sine tone |
• | The 500 Hz warble tone |
• | The 9 kHz spectral tone |
The combination tone may be used for the following numerous audio conditions:
• | Distorted sound from the speakers |
• | No sound from the speakers |
Comparative AC voltage measurements may be made on the speaker terminals. The fade and the balance controls must be in the detent position, when using the combination tone. A determination may be made in the diagnosis of the speaker or the amplifier with these voltage measurements.
The next portion of the tape may be used in order to diagnose the following conditions:
• | Speaker rattles |
• | Grille rattles |
The first test is 2 tones played back to back. The second test is a variable frequency tone. The frequency change is at a much slower rate. You may use both tests in order to repair a speaker rattle or buzz. If the problem has already been isolated, the fade and the balance controls may be set to the proper location and the test tones may be played in the specific problem area.