All tire manufacturers which supply tires to GM have developed warranty assistance programs which enable the dealer to handle his own customer tire problems in the dealership without entering into any type of sales or service agreeemnt with the manufacturers. Most of these programs were first announced in November, 1979 and were updated in a letter to all dealers on January, 1982. Since this letter there have been some phone number changes to several of these programs. Attached are the latest copies of the current Buick OE tire supplier dealer programs.
Basically, these programs allow a dealer to obtain a replacement tire directly from the tire manufacturer without the involvement of the local tire outlet. This is especially valuable when a particular tire size is unavailable locally, or when the tire manufacturer's outlet is inconveniently located. Of course, current procedures covering tire adjustment through local tire outlets continue as in the past.
Since each tire company program varies slightly in content, it is suggested that reference be made to the appropriate instruction whenever assistance is required.
We urge you to take advantage of these programs where necessary to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction in connection with the handling of the tire warranty adjustments. GOODYEAR DISTRICT OFFICES
Albany NY 518-463-4184 Atlanta GA 404-231-8362 Baltimore MD 301-247-0900 Birmingham AL 205-322-0521 (Boston) Needham Heights MA 617-449-6716 (Buffalo) Kenmore NY 716-874-9935 Charlotte NC 704-588-0500 Chicago IL 312-640-5100 Cleveland OH 216-267-3000 Cincinnati OH 513-769-4300 Columbus OH 614-888-1578 Dallas TX 214-637-9100 Denver co 303-399-1780 Des Moines IA 515-265-5341 (Detroit) Southfield MI 313-423-5616 Fargo ND 701-293-0809
Houston TX 713-230-5123 Jacksonville FL 904-354-1471
Knoxville TN 615-984-6220 Los Angeles CA 213-725-4050 Knoxville TN 901-947-5200 Miami FL 305-592-4960 Minneapolis MN 612-927-7381
New Brunswick NJ 201-745-6533
(New Orleans)Jefferson LA 504-838-4757 (New York)Franklin Square NY 516-488-1880
Oklahoma City OK 405-943-8377
Omaha NE 402-393----- Philadelphia PA 215-521-4000 Phoenix AZ 602-246-1358 Pittsburgh PA 412-922-2836 Portland OR 503-226-2951 (Richmond) Colonial Heights 804-526-4950 Sacramento CA 916-922-9851 N Salt Lake City UT 801-292-4401 San Antonio TX 512-333-1217 Spokane WA 509-924-7711 St. Louis MO 314-429-8767 Syracuse NY 315-451-6100 Topeka KS 913-295-0003 San Leandro CA 415-483-2900
Maritimes & Newfoundland Moncton, New Brunswick E1C8M7 506-855-1300 Quebec- St Laurent, PQ H4S1H9 514-334-1112 Ontario, Toronto M8Z5E1 416-255-1355 Manitoba, Winnepeg R3HOC5 204-772-0391 Saskatchewan, Saskatoon S7K3L6 306-242-0281 Alberta, Edmonton 403-455-7191 T5J2L8
BC, Vabciyver V6B4B5 604-255---42
General Motors bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform those technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, do not assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See a General Motors dealer servicing your brand of General Motors vehicle for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.